Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

I'm not the girl next door, i don't walk with my nose held up high. Tend to keep every lil secrets in me, not sharing. I'm friendly only if you think so. I may turn nasty, if you want to. Happy go lucky, live life to the fullest.
- The ones we love tend to stay in our hearts and minds long after the relationship ends. While some move on quickly, others dwell and heal at a slower pace. Whatever the case, the thoughts, emotions and memories we experience during this time are heartwrenchingly powerful and real.

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I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

“ When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. ”
April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011
If i am a bitch, then what are you? Dog? No, worse than a dog.
Monday, August 30, 2010 || 5:10 PM

A bitch is a bitch, never would change her attitude. Now you know the reason why? & the fucking truth is that nobody ever fucking liked you before. Even me, i'm treating you as a substitute. Yr just so damn mother fucking blinded. Now that yr back, you want me back. What the fuck am i to you? You leaved, you never thought about me, never. You wont know the feeling of being alone, how it feels like. & now, you want me back, just like this? Not that easy. I've started a new life, a better life off without you. Yr stay wont make any differences in my life.

- Pathetic.

Danced underneath the candelabra
Friday, August 27, 2010 || 10:18 AM

You just have to hold onto my hands, & i'll walk with you till the end.

You just got to get back on yr feets.
Thursday, August 26, 2010 || 2:12 AM


My heart has yr name in it
Monday, August 23, 2010 || 6:11 AM

After having you, the past and the future dont matter anymore. Cos only the 'present' with you is the most important of all.

Oh girl, i can make yr bed rock
Sunday, August 22, 2010 || 12:01 AM

I wanna be the one forever. I wanna be the one, who's gonna stay in yr heart forever, never leaving. Ily.

We'll fly up high to the sky, to a place which only belongs to us
Friday, August 20, 2010 || 8:57 PM

Dance to the happiness of Love.

Me, you, us, we. Together.
|| 5:55 AM

Cos whenever i'm with you, i just felt us breathing as one.

4moredays, baby
Thursday, August 19, 2010 || 11:30 PM

& i'll put every stars up in the sky, just for you. As the stars would represent me, always shining so brightly just fr you. (;

-iloveyou ; TwentyFourZeroSeven.

Saturday, August 14, 2010 || 10:53 PM

Cos i could see in yr eyes, that everything from the start, was all just LIES.

No longer loving, more of giving up
Monday, August 9, 2010 || 10:36 PM

Leave all you want, becos you'd never cared. Leave all you want, becos you had never loved. Leave all you want, becos i can no longer care. Yr stay won't make any difference in anything. Just gonna hurt both of us more.

|| 8:09 PM

Now yr gone, gone. Really gone, you've vanished into the air, like a smoke.

This shows how much you really " care "
Sunday, August 8, 2010 || 9:02 PM

You dont understand how much it hurts me right deep in my heart, the way yr treating me right now. I'm just keeping quiet, prentending everything's all right. But you can't even see thru me, you dont understand me well. With every faked smile i gave, you don't know whats the reason behind it. I just felt like stop breathing fr just a moment, letting the whole world going on without me. I really just wish to stop all these pains, stop all these things that are really hurting me, really breaking into me. I tried to make myself to give up in all these, even giving up you. But its so hard for me to just let go after so much i've placed in. What we could do now is just to let everything going for the better. But its not gonna be only one's effort. It takes both.

My last wish
Saturday, August 7, 2010 || 9:38 PM

Went sentosa yesterday, had so much fun time. (;

Now you've left me half dead, left me so speechless, i cant breathe
|| 10:05 AM

Many times, i tried to hide myself in everything, tried to hide my feelings. I'd been faking a smile for so long, everything's just pushing me down. I cant get on back to my feets, i'm like ten feets off the ground. I need a string to slowly pull me back. I wanted you to be mine, wanted you to really be there for me. Never thought the fact is that you don't really understand and know. Perhaps we were both just so blinded. Blinded by love. I never wanted to share you, but i've got to. It just hurts so much whenever yr with her, whenever i can only see you from only from a distance. I hate it, that i've still gotta act like nothing happens when deep inside me were all the while just stabbing hard.I hate it when i were suppose to be the one who should be holding yr hand, but yet i can only see you holding her's. I hate it, when you say iloveyou to her. But i know, its all fate. Its all life. My life's fated to be like this, and its never changing. We all have got to accept everything. I'm fated to be a let-down to everybody. I dont mind, cos i'm a let-down to myself too.
- Dont hurt her like how yr hurting me.

Peacefully stressed.
Friday, August 6, 2010 || 12:22 AM

So many of them, but yr the one that i've chosen. Iloveyou,

Thursday, August 5, 2010 || 11:50 PM

Little bit, by little
|| 5:08 PM

All right. Its been so long, since i last posted a proper post. Was just so damn out-of the world these few weeks. Evertything's just keep trumbling down on me. Crashing me, making me hard to breathe.

Nothing much i did for this week. Quarrels, yeah. Family, yeah. Friends, yeah. School works, yeah. Everything's not going all right with me. No, not everything. In fact, yeah everything. Losing everything, i cant hold them back anymore.

Nah, shall not elaborate anymore.

Faked smile
|| 5:02 PM

Pretending that everything's going all right, going so fine. But the fact is that, i've been struggling for so long. I wished i could get everything i wanted, including you. But you don't belong to me, not anymore. We're only getting further, losing everything. Nothing's back, nothing's no longer the way it used to be. I tried to win you back, in fact you pushed me back right down on my face to the ground, where i used to fall.

A picture speaks a thousand of words
Wednesday, August 4, 2010 || 6:39 AM

I thank god for placing you by my side, always being there for me whenever i need someone. I'm happy, that i have you. Ily,
- Slowly, day by day. I realise its getting deeper.