I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone
“ When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. ”
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
Promises, it'll be held on forever
Saturday, July 31, 2010 || 10:05 AM
Promises are meant to be brokened, thats what people always say, always think in. But the promises we made on the day, would be held on forever, untill the day when death seperates us. For as long as i'm alive, i'll hold on to it. Ily,
you just mean so much to me, words cant even describe how i'm feeling, whenever i'm with you
Thursday, July 29, 2010 || 5:18 AM
I'll lay down on the grassland, one day with you. I'll slowly hold yr hand, slowly touching yr face. I'll let you know, & let you feel, that you'll always have me. I will hold on, hold on to yr hands. No matter how this journey ahead's gonna be how tough, or how smooth. I'll be there, thru it all, fr you. Ily, (;
The feeling of missing someone is awful
Wednesday, July 28, 2010 || 5:11 AM
I miss everything about you, miss everything about us. I even miss laying on yr bed, with you patting my back, ensuring everything's gonna be all right fr me. I miss how the way we looks into each other's eyes, missing how the way i'll always hug you tightly. As if i would desperately breathed you in. Everything about us is always so sweet. Though things may not be going perfect fr the both of us, but at least its already going fr the best. & i'll let the whole world knows, ily. Yr name is being engraved in my heart, deep down in my heart. N.
Gone into the air
|| 5:05 AM
It were all so fine, untill she came into our life. We were always, so far apart. I tried to pull us back, but it seems like you prefer her more. She can give you more of the happiness that you wanted. I tried to satifsy you, by giving everything you wanted, giving you in many ways. I want us back, like how we used to be in before. I want the smile that i used to put on my face, i want the way how we used to call each other names. I want the way, how the way i used to look into yr eyes.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 || 2:33 AM
I dont know why, but i just simply hate school. I'm always alone, i hate it.
All too late, but becos' we started it all too early
Monday, July 26, 2010 || 6:08 AM
Nobody knows exactly how it feels like to be me. Its hard being me, really hard. I've always just wished i could just close my eyes, and let my mind rest fr a moment. Just a moment will really do. But i really cant, not at all can i do it.
Everything seems to be holding me back, making me cant even smile from my heart. I tried to reached out to you, but seems like yr backing off, yr running away, You don't understand, you dont wish to know, you don't know. I hate this feeling, really dislike. I wanna just hold yr hand, & let everything go as its fated. I feel like just lying on the middle of the road, letting the world go on, without me. I need to take a deep breath, i need to really take easy on everything.
Many times people would start asking me why am i prefering to be alone, & not joining the others? Its not that i dont want. How i wish i could. But end up its the person who understands me the most, leaving me here, leaving me here all alone in this world. I wished i could make her mine, Oh god. Help me.
P.s; Friends comes & goes, the true ones are gonna stay, while the ones who're gonna leave, is gonna be the ones who ain't worth to be.
I dream, i imagine.
|| 12:14 AM
The biggest dream i ever wished was to gaze the beautiful stars with you, beloved.
Sunday, July 25, 2010 || 5:13 AM
I'm starting everything all over again. I'm learning how to smile, learning how to let go. Learning, how to love. (; Ily. P.s; I looked up into the sky the other night. I started closing my eyes, letting my mind wander. After that i found myself smilling to myself, then only i realised i was thinking about us, how we both met each other at first, and how we both started off.
Saturday, July 24, 2010 || 7:56 PM
You'll hold on to my hands, & i'll hold onto yr's too. (;
Friday, July 23, 2010 || 3:25 PM
I tried my best, not to fall for you. I failed, everytime whenever i look into yr eyes. There'll be a kind of rushing feeling, right down in my heart. Perhaps this a kind of feeling that i had lost long ago, and now its back again. I'm sorry for falling fr you. But i'll continue trying to keep everything inside of me. Cos things ain't the same like others, not the same. & it hurts kinda lot this time. That kind of feeling, no one else could understand. Its pushing me right down, i'm lost. I've taken a step infront, please don't make me regret. We were sitting, with yr hands held right tight down round my waist. I sat close to you, started feeling yr heart beat. Its beating fast, i can feel it by my heart too. Perhaps things would be going tough fr both us, but i'm sure it'll at least not be going wrong, never gonna end. Because i believe, & i wish i could too. Though we may be far apart, but i'll still remain in yr heart. I'll hold on to yr picture, still waiting fr you. Though it'll really hurt me that much, but i still chose to stay fr you. I love you, Te amo.
I love you, i'm sorry
|| 3:17 PM
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 || 3:07 PM
I tried to close my eyes, to imagine the beautiful-ness of this world. My mind wander as time goes by, i'm sitting down the street all alone. All i can see of, whenever i closes my eyes, is all the beautiful memories of what we used to be. But just look, now i'm all alone walking this journey. I just hate it being alone, i can no longer feel you beside me. Even if you does, yr heart ain't with me at all. I can't imagine, yr gone just like this. Its been so many efforts i've put in, i've tried to make everything going better. But it just seems going for the wrongs. I can no longer look into yr eyes, no longer got the courage. no longer able to trust you ever again, no longer can love you again. No one there, to catch me when i fall anymore. No one there, to hold my hand, to hug me from the waist like how you used to do it to me anymore. not anymore, cos yr just like gone into the air. I tried to use my everything all up, just to get you back by my side. Had been waiting fr so long, yet you turned out being the same. This ain't what i wanted cos yr never the same anymore. I believe i can't wait anymore cos time's not gonna wait fr us. Yr just yet keeping me hanging. I've nothing left now, nothing else much. Friends are slowly leaving by my side, no longer got the ability & strength to keep them anymore. Can no longer know what's the meaning of family anymore. Boyfriend? No, i don't and never intended to get one. Cos its gonna be closed forever, my heart. It'll never be open-ing again. What else i have? i've got nothing. Everyday's the same. I feel so alone, so lonely. Its making me hard to breathe but you won't know. Cos you don't care, you really don't. all you care about is only yr life, how yr gonna manage yr daily meals, whether you'd have enough money & blah stuffs. You've never spared a single thought fr me before. I'm tired dude. pls. Give me a BREAK. Perhaps yeah the feeling of being lonely really sucks to the mother hell core. I've got nothing left, & it hits me right in my face, knocking me down. I couldn't get myself up i don't know how. I just wish you'd pull me up, right from the place where i fell, and back to our lovely style.
|| 3:00 PM
There're so many people out there to love, but all i chosed was you.
Sunday, July 18, 2010 || 5:44 PM
Never thought how long a loving flame would burn, but losing you has forced me to learn.
Love's more of like making use of each other
|| 6:46 AM
And oh yeah baby, yr the one who rocked my world. P.s; Happy b'day to me (;
I tried to believe, but never thought i went disappointing again.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010 || 3:53 AM
I tried to stay real, tried to stay true. You took away my heart, you knocked me down. Never gonna trust, never gonna fall.
I'm always alone,
Friday, July 9, 2010 || 8:14 AM
The truth is that i'm still hanging on. I may be moving on, but y'know it well, my heart had never swayed for you. All i ever wanted ain't much, but i just wanted you to stay real, and even change. I know this day would never arrive, but i had and were believing in miracles. Becos' i believe, the power of love will overcome it. Its all the hurts, and how much i loved you that made me still hanging on for you, untill know.Its already nearly into 1 year and more, but i still chose to be holding on to your picture, and still waiting. You made me hard to breathe, hard to look up. But the only thing i liked about is when i looked into yr eyes, my heart just can't stop pounding faster, and faster. this kind of feelings, nobody would ever know and nobody would ever feel it. But i still believe in you, yr promise. I still hold onto it. I've never forget, neither will i. I don't care how the world looks at us. I just wanna hold yr hand, and walk thru everything just with You. it may be tough. But i'm having faith, believing that the ending would be good. i-believe-in-that-day, cos-i'd-never-stop-loving-you. H.
The faith, the trusts. Its all gone.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010 || 10:30 PM
I trust nobody, no one, not even having faith in relationships. Nothing stays true.
|| 3:52 AM
Someone, please tell him. I'll be waiting, i'll stay. And i'll go thru even rains and storms to even get to see him, for the last time. (;
I miss you
Sunday, July 4, 2010 || 6:42 AM
Ever since you left, i no longer have the feelings of getting hurts anymore. Cos everything's just numb-ed.