Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

I'm not the girl next door, i don't walk with my nose held up high. Tend to keep every lil secrets in me, not sharing. I'm friendly only if you think so. I may turn nasty, if you want to. Happy go lucky, live life to the fullest.
- The ones we love tend to stay in our hearts and minds long after the relationship ends. While some move on quickly, others dwell and heal at a slower pace. Whatever the case, the thoughts, emotions and memories we experience during this time are heartwrenchingly powerful and real.

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I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

“ When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. ”
April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011
I had never walked away. I was just waiting, for you to come back.
Monday, May 31, 2010 || 9:23 AM

If only the ones that we love would really bother to show a little more love, a little more care, grow to be a little more understanding. And if only they know. But right now i'm just sorry to say this. But i can assure you i'll never and can never trust love again. I gave my last hope on you. And now you're gone, i've lost everything. Can't seem to move on too. Its okay because i'll forget you. Make sure you'll lead a happy life. Just turn back and look for me when you need me in the future. Maybe now you don't need, but perhaps the next time.

I tried to reach out to you, but you seemed so far away
Sunday, May 30, 2010 || 9:28 PM

My mood swayed & my heart went silent. Everything seems to be going wrong for me. You told me you'll be there but what's this? Now you're treating me like this. How much more you expect me to believe in you again? I can't seem to convince myself for loving you. I've had enough of waiting for you to come by. Whether are you gonna be true or not, its not gonna matter anymore. Once something is gone. Its perished forever. Especially faith. I don't want us to drift, but instead you built the ocean between us.

It was never going right, untill you came into my life
Saturday, May 29, 2010 || 4:18 PM

Sometimes, dreaming big ain't any wrong. But its the matter of how high hopes you gave on it. Just like love, the more hopes you pinned up on it, the more you'll get the hurt back as return. I used to dream & wish. But somehow, i really don't seem to believe anymore. It seems like its gone, perish forever into the air. Many times, i tried to convince myself & told myself. Perhaps i can, perhaps i can do something to it. Perhaps & probably, somehow i can love. But it doesn't seems to be going the way i thought. In life, maybe we shouldn't set too high hopes on something. Because you'll never know, what's gonna happen the very next moment. Once you put yr everything into something, and then when they're gone. You can be seriously left with nothing. At times when i struggled, i tried to make myself believe in love again. Somehow i failed. Even though i believed, but the faith still isn't getting in. Because you were once hurt, and then it had become a fear in you. But its obviously that i really just have to take out my courage. And just step out my very first step. I've done a lot of things, and i succeeded. I'm not sure about this now. It seems so hard, for me. I've seen a lot. I've experienced it all too.. Thats why, up till now. I still couldn't get myself up & believe. But i believe in myself, & that one day. I shall really stand up and make myself believe again. The more you love, the more hurts you'll get in return.

Eventually, i'm falling for love over again.
|| 12:14 AM

I always start off my day with a smile that lightens up my day. Just like yesterday, as usual. But it was kinda of like special. By even giving me a hug, it can even make me smile for the whole day, like an crazy girl. Obviously enough, i seriously missed it though. The moment you looked into my eyes. My heart beats fast, like as if i were running for an marathon. You were like the ending point of the race. And i have to reach to you, i'm running to you. Finally when i reached the ending point. My heart's smiling with delight. This is the satisfaction, that i had been yearning for. Although faiths still can't get in much between us. But i just simply placed you inside my heart. You motivated my life, you changed me, you never gave up on me, you still loved me. Thats one thing that i appreciated the pretty most. I can see the difference. At last you didn't disappoint me. You came back, with yr knee knelt down. You grab hold of my hands, apologising for making me suffer. Now i can finally tell myself, that all these while of sufferings. Its after all worthy. All the tears i shed, all the waiting, and of course my heart that stayed put and did not swayed. Its all worth to it now. The moment i lay on your shoulders again. The feeling's back, with it reminding me of the past. When i used to lay on. I felt so secured & as if i don't have to even worry bout tomorrow. Because with you around, i finally found myself back. I finally am able to stand up, facing this world with a new me. And what's more, there's you right now. All by my side. Holding my hand, walking this journey with me. We'd go thru the ups & downs together. I believe, at the end of the day. When we look back, we wouldn't be getting to the worse. But to the better. And that we would lead a better relationship ever after. Because i have believed. You should too.

Thursday, May 27, 2010 || 9:07 PM

I never intended us to end up like this, with both of us suffering in this state. I never intended to hurt you. I never want to. All i ever wished for was just us to really continue & go on. It seems like, you don't even bother at all. If you really wish to end, and wanna avoid me. Then let me tell you. I won't stop you.. Though seriously i'd really miss you. In fact, i'm missing you like hell right now. You always go your own ways, your own decisions, own choices. You've never thought bout how i'll feel. You neglected my feelings. You don't even care. I tried my very best to make this friendship last. But its not gonna be my own effort, to make it last. It had to be yours too. If you really wanna leave. I won't hold you back anymore. I'm tired, seriously tired. I just wanna see you smile.. Remembering you calling me Angel. You once told me, you don't wanna lose me. You cant. What's this now? I shall smile and walk away. Thanks.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 || 11:47 PM

Whats left in me is that all those hurts you've given. Since you don't even care anymore, then i shan't say anything, anymore. Since even you, wanna put an end to me. Then i shall seriously grant it. Though it hurts, but its always that we have to accept the reality and move on. I've never thought you'd ever lie to me. Never though you'd hurt me like how they did. I'm sorry, for putting so much hopes & trust in you. And now ending up we're both suffering. I know there are much more better people out there, to replace me. Sorry for being so naive. That all these while, i thought i meant something to you. Right now, i realise everything was just a dream. I've finally woken up. Yeah & i'll give up. You're yet another guy to forget. I won't hate or blame you. This is fate. I'll always tell myself. I'm just tired. And i swear, you're gonna be my last one. Let this be the end.

Nothing to hide, but nothing to spread.
|| 5:19 AM

I had always been sacrificing for you. You don't even know. What you know was that i didn't met your limit, i didn't satisfied you. That day after you left. Do you even remember what you said? You told me. " You don't even care. " But you don't even know the truth, & the reason behind everything. All you cared about was just how much not satisfying am i to you. What's this? I'm tired. And so i chose to let go. Letting go, doesn't mean i can really forget you. Even though i've forgotten you. I would still be missing you. This is love. Love is like a cycle. Life after you left, was such in a mess. Perhaps you may hear me saying " I can live without you. " Yes i can, but its just that it ain't going perfectly perfect. Things started to go wrong. Ever since you walked out of my life. I don't know what to do, i'm lost, with no directions to go. You're not there to guide me anymore. I tried to walk out of my world for once. But i failed. And i guess, probably i'll never get out anymore. This was never the way i intended. But well i just have to accept the truth now. What i can do now is just slowly learn to give up. And just silently walk away in your life. I'm sorry & i thank you. For once walked into my life. And you changed me. I don't wanna know & say whether its for the better or to the worse. In anyway, it aint gonna matter much anymore. Perhaps this was fated to be. No matter how far, or how perfectly we've walked, now that the journey had come to an end. Its time for us to seriously just stop & put a fullstop to our story. It may not had been a perfect one. Neither had it really been a happy one. But i know for myself, we had already placed in efforts into it. Let's let the fate decide where we'll end up next. I'm missing you, but i guess i would still be able to forget you. As i don't wanna see you, being in such a state. I know for the best, its that for me to leave you. I'm sorry for bothering you through out these past months. We're almost reaching there, but God wants us to seperate. I'm sorry. God bless you & her. ((:
And i shall walk away, with my smile on.

The weak ones are there to justify the strong.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 || 2:36 PM

Many things, in life. It just happened so sudden that you don't even really know & got ready for it. Sometimes living in this world, may be hard. Cos' life is always full of challenges & you'd have to go thru all the ups & downs. I myself had been through a lot too. Its the matter of choice, whether you'd wanna stay strong & put, and face it. Or whether you wanna avoid, and cover one eye to it. Its how you think, to make how you would react. In life, we have to face all the problems ourself. Perhaps now, somehow we still can depend on our friends or family. But as time passes by, somehow they'll slowly not leave you, but let you handle it on yr own. And thats the time, when you really have to be independent and experience all it by yrself. It may be hard at first. But slowly, step by step. You'll realise you actually can. You can struggle, but never can you ever FALL. Once you fall, it may be hard to get up.. I'm trying to live my life with my own rules. Though all the things are just coming into my life. But i would just chose to stay and go thru it my own. And i shall never regret after every decisions are made. In fact, i shall let it be a lesson learnt. & move on..

I looked at you. for the last time, ever in my life before i'm gone..
Monday, May 24, 2010 || 7:56 AM

Currently 11.07pm. Just woke up. Tired, went to school as usual. Just that got caught by Mr hoe that dog. Wtf, he pulled my hair. -.- Infront of the lower secs. Hmmm. And then after school, ran away from swimming shit. Went cck with Margaret. My sweetheart. ((: Ily. Hmmm, then had lunch and i went Yck, reached back home roughly bout 5plus ((: bathed & slept.
Shall stop here, and watch some tv. Then sleep again. ((: Idk whether i'm going to school tomorrow. )): Shall see. Goodbye.


I looked at you, for the last time. With me faking a smile, to make our ending to be better. And then i walked away, saying that i'm fine. But the fact is that i'm not.

Sunday, May 23, 2010 || 12:32 AM

Your image is slowly fading in my mind. You no longer exist in my world.

Ohhhh, its currently so 03.33pm Now. canceled meeting with Ken Teo, )): Sorry. Actually the truth was that i aint in the mood to meet anyone. Sorry, sigh.
Since you chose to say Goodbye.. Then i shall grant it. Sigh, i'm not being myself lately. I dont know why. I've got so much blows & now i'm left with no one to help me up. Well. I guess its fate that build this friendship between us, and break us up. Hmmmm. You'll find a better girl. Thanks for all these past months, you'd been waiting for me. But i know, its impossible between us. I'm sorry i've got to say. Goodbye. (:

Shall stay at home for today. And go school tomorrow. Yasmin misses her friends. Hmmm, shall give Mierah a big hug tomorrow. ((:
Hmm. Thats all for today i guess. Fullstop is placed here. Goodbyes lovelies.

Ps: And i shall never cry for anyone, ever again. This is what i said. And i meant it. Goodbye.

Saturday, May 22, 2010 || 11:14 AM

Pictures took with leeya when at marina bay sand :D

TAEYANG - Wedding Dress Cover English Version (Tommy C of IBU & J.Reyez)
Thursday, May 20, 2010 || 9:36 PM

|| 1:51 AM

Remembering those days when you and me were sitting at the bench near the playground. With you joking around with me, entertaining me, with you holding my hands telling me you love me and never wanna walk away.. Yes, i miss those days. But i guess. I'd never have the chance to hear these words from you ever again. You're living your life fine without me.

After you've done so much for me. I couldn't understand why. But i just am falling for you over again. What am i doing? After saying i would wanna forget you, after saying that i wanna leave. I just couldn't get myself to really do that to you. I've always wanted myself to lead a life, happily, and leave those unhappy stuffs behind me. You're the hardest thing for me to let go. All these while, i've been hanging on and waiting for you. Waiting for your return, waiting for you to abe mine. Though i've been telling myself, i dont love you anymore. But as time passes by. I started realising, i guess i just couldn't live and move on without your guidance. Without you. Love's nothing without you showing me.

Perhaps i was dumb to had say goodbye to you. Perhaps, i just was just saying. But i don't mean a thing. Words are cheap. But i just honestly don't want the same thing to happen on me over & over again. Sighh. Whats this? The love you've given, it wasn't what i really want. But you know, you're always in my heart no matter how hard, i tried to forget. No matter how many times you've hurt me, break my heart. I'll still be there for you, still waiting. But i just couldn't make myself to love again. Its been so long, yet i cant do it. I'm useless, i cant seem to get up from every fall. I tried my best, but to no avail. I'm struggling real hard. Pull me up, grab my hand. Bring me back, by your side. I'll be waiting. For you to turn REAL..

Because i believe, that somehow, someday, you'll come back to me. Telling me you've changed, for me..

Wednesday, May 19, 2010 || 8:49 PM

We used to be so fine, when you walked in my life.

Its currently 12pm. Woke up late and did not attend school. Got my uniform yesterday, during NPCC training. New crest. The crest had changed to NPCC one instead of the police one. Quite nice. Hmmmm. Shall not post much. Goodbyes.

P.s: You turned my life into darkness.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 || 6:46 AM

123, lets fall out of love.

Ohhh, its been so long since i last posted. Hmmm, well. These few days, stucked in my sick world. T.T Flu flu flu, feverrrr, sore throat. What the fuck shit is this?
Sighh, so many things happening. Mierah texted me today, telling me i failed my math. And i was like answering " I knew it. " Sighh. I dont know, how to even ans to my parents. They kept on supporting me but this is what i give in return.

Shall not talk so much. going school tml, to get back my other results. Goodbyes.

P.s: One by one, lets fall together.

Saturday, May 15, 2010 || 8:56 PM

Relationship doesn't exist in my world.

Ohh well, again. Using black today. Yesterday went Marina Barrage, with Mierah and Zahida. Had fun, but saw Shahadan's friends there. One of them recognised me. He stared at me. But i walked away. Everything just flashed thru in my mind again. Once again. I remembered the very first outing with him. Laugh. Don't think he would even bother to remember. Well, its fine with me. And then went back home after that. Photos are all with them. Shall stop here. Bye.

P.s: Just let me go.

Friday, May 14, 2010 || 9:16 PM

Pictures, took with Leeya. ((:

Thursday, May 13, 2010 || 7:43 PM

Once upon a time.

Its currently eleven. Just got home from school. Freaking tired. Had been coughing like fuckk from this morning, inside bus with mierah. Wth. Having slight fever, not going anywhere today. Papa kiong canceled meeting. As his uncle got hospitalised.
Well, gonna rest today. Or perhaps ask mierah to go out or something. Tml going out with her and the rest, to check out information bout the class tee things.
Took bus back home just now, with Leeya my bra twinny. And then took some pictures, and alighted at inter area. Took 947 back home, now here blogging. Gonna bathe and off to sleep soon. <3 Goodbyes.

P.s: After so long, you still don't really know what i want.

|| 3:03 AM

I'm used to it. Everyone who treats me well, would leave so early. Why? This is life.

Back from going out with Margaret. Aww. Tired.
Was really fun just now. took some photos, uploaded inside fb. But shall not post here. Lazy. Shall stop here, goodbye.

P.s: Don't you know, i'm falling for you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 || 7:50 PM

You never gave me a chance, to even let me be part of your life.

Woww, currenlty 11am and i just finished eating. Went to school for paper. Literature was okayy, when like half and hour only. I see people sleeping already. Exchanged papers with Leeya. She helped me do some of it. Cos i seriously DONT KNOW. -.-" and then went home after that. Tired, like dragging myself. Saw Anderson and the his friends at outside library, then walked to canteen. Intended to wait for Atiqah at first. But then we were too tired, then we slowly walked down to the hill. While waiting for bus, aitqah reached bus stop too already. Then took 178 with her. Dropped at batok inter, thn took 947 back home. Reached home, straight away blog. Gonna bathe soon, and then go out with my dearest Margaret. Laughs. ((: GOODBYES.

P.s: My dear girl, you made my day shine.

|| 5:15 AM

Do not judge a book, by its cover.

Its 8.20pm right now. Woww, and i just woke up not long ago. Sighh. Sick sick sick. Sore throat, from this morning when i met Ken Teo. Hmmm, took bus to school as usual. And then met Mierah inside bus 176. she took from hillgrove there.
FRom inside of the bus, there's a particular Assumption student, had been staring and showing me her tongue piercing. I was like " o.o " I just like smile at her, LOL.
I was like thinking " -.O? Tongue. Lol. Go pierce nipple or pussy urhh. " Lmaos. Seriously, it'll be nice. Lmaos.

Reached school, went for assembly and then went to sit for my Science paper. During the paper, Leeya was like randomly playing with her bra strap again. Sighh, what-a-luck. I wore the same bra with her for the past two days. WTH!?
Today wore black-hot pink bra. She wear the same one too. Just that mine is laces with hot pink colour on it. Lmaos. When finished the paper, me and leeya was like eye contact-ing. LOL. Suddenly, i saw a monkey jumped down from the tree. It caught my attention. I stood up straight, seeing it having sex with the other monkey. OMGG. Fast like vibrator sia. wth, no. Faster than a vibrator. LMAOS. -.- Then i was like telling Leeya to see too. Then after that we were like laughing till we teared. HAHA. Super funny, plus her shirt, directly at her nipple there got one dot sia. don know what the fuck is that. HAHAHAH!

Walked down the hill with Mierah and the rest. Went West mall area to have our breakfast. Bought Strepsils for myself. In the past, it was my boyfriends who bought it for me. HAHA. Now, its time for me to be independent. ((: Women's strongest point, should be showing the guys that they can be independent.
And then Saw Ken Teo once again. HAHA. But he didn't saw me.

Went popular to bought things, and then head home after that. Damn tired. Went home, bathed, nap-ed and here blogging now. ((:
Shall go watch Teevee or something. Tml's lit paper, i'm so gonna screw it up again. Laughhs.
Goodbyes& nights hot guys and girls! (:

P.s: If somehow, someday, you happen to let me go. I'd smile and walk away. But with my tears rolling down, Heart shattering to the ground.

Monday, May 10, 2010 || 3:13 AM

|| 2:37 AM

Dear Dark Father, i've sinned.

Currently Five plus. Ohh, just wake up not long from my nap. So damn damn tired can? Sigh, right now Aiwei sleeping inside room. -.- Sigh
Shall talk bout today. Went to school as usual for exam.
Didn't manage to take the same bus with samierah. Cause when she reach Hillgrove there, i was like in 176 and went already. Cos i thought she'll reach there in no time. So when i see 176, just went lor. Hmmm never thought that she'd be so late. Lmao.
And then i walked up the hill. Cause my attire fucking like fucked up la. Then Mr kier confirm not happy with me one. So just walk to school.

Reached school, everyone gave me a weird look. LOL. And i went toilet, pee& everything. Then slowly walked to the parade square's stonechairs to meet Them. I was like reading the Sex book so happily sia. And they don't know. They were like " Ehhh. Yasmin, So good ah? harworking! " Then i showed them the book. LOL! >.< Damn nice la can. LOL!
And then went for assembly, Bariyah didn't come today. Wooo, nobody caught my hair today. LMAOS :D Even timothy wee also tired of telling me. Instead, he threaten my friend :O Laughhs.
Went to sit for first paper. MATH. I screwed it up badly i guess. I was like stress till stare blanky into the air for the first 15 mins sia. LMAO.
And then leeya asked me why not doing. I just quickly anyhow-ly chiong finish it. Somehow, manage to chiong it before the bell rang. Lucky me.

Went for break after that. Then had Art examination. Teacher was like giving us dried mushrooms, and wants us to draw. WTF. The smell.. I tell you, really worse than i 10 days never bathe sia. LMAO! Fucking busohh! HAHA! Then everyone started drawing, while i still playing with the mushroom :O While drawing, i was like singing songs untill Irfan from the other side of the class stared at me=/ HAHA. " ITs better if we just let it go.. So lets have, one last kiss. One last touch. One last tender moment between us.. One last dance, to our first song.. " WOOO :D hehe. I like it a lot. Hmmmm. Finish drawing, didn't went back with Samierah & the rest. Instead, i walked down the hill with Ronghui, aka Ah huii. Ohhh. He is So sweet man. I guess its my honour to have him as my friend :D Well, on friday.He took back my books for me. Aww, cos i was having problems with carrying the books. He asked me whether i need help. And i was like wooo, i would be pleased if you help me carry. HAHA. And he really did! lmao!
Then i asked him to bring to school today. Then when walking down the hill, i kept complaining that the books are too heavy. Cos i'm carrying my Art folder & science books. Practical workbook, Theory workbook, And textbook. WAAAA. Can die man! T.T

He then went to cross the over head bridge. Then i took 176 all the way back to batok, with Rezeki Fadhill, Shahrul sitting behind me. And Took 947 back. While i inside bus, Rezeki and Fadhill was like staring at me. LOL. Well, they always stare luh. Reached home, Aiwei and Sheila at home. Then chat chat chat, after that Sheila went home. Aiwei playing comp, while i sleep. Then when i wake up, my turn to play and she's sleeping inside the room right now. LMAO! Cuutte la.
Sighh, so damn tired and stressed out about examinations. T.T Shall go do my revision already. Shall blog when i have the time again. Goodbye, earthlings.

P.s: You can't take back your words, once you've said. Thats it.

Sunday, May 9, 2010 || 4:16 AM

I'll never regret loving you, but just take it as a lesson learnt. And i'll never repeat it. Life is just too short for regrets.

Currently 7.50pm. Am so damn down. Family having war. Well. Happy mama day anyway. Stayed at home the whole day. Did nothing. Bus sleep. And revise. Sigh. Kinda stressed over tml's Math paper one. Sigh. Shall go revise now again. Goodbye.

P.s: Why is it only when you're with her, your story can go so well? But not when you're with me?

Thursday, May 6, 2010 || 10:45 PM

I just wanna show & tell you. I can live, without you.

Wow. Went school today as usual. Suck man. -.- Marched infront of whole school. Today was NPCC's birthday. lmaos! The sir flirt with me again, sighh. LMAO.
After marching, went back class for lesson. Ohh-my. Today did nothing sia. seriously. Eng, did own revision AGAIN. History, ms ikan bilis Cheong going thru the
papers and then i was like sleeping. Really cramp, Sigh. Today's second day of my menstruation LOL. Thn was Home Econs. But Teacher bo come, and then slack around lo. Took vids & pictures. But all at friend's phone, LMAO.

Later going out with mierah, to causeway to re-new my Guitar strings. T.T Kinda tiring. But forcing myself to go. Cos if i hold on to this much money, its either lost or my hand would be itchy and go buy something else. Had been wanting to renew from last yr. Finally, today :D
Alrights, shall stop here, goodbye earthlings. ((;

P.s: I've given us a lot of time. Its enough.

|| 2:28 PM

The darkness
All around me
Standing alone
Silently my tears fell

The darkness repels me
Yet i could not escape
Must i be trapped here
For all eternity?

I did not gave up hope
I tried my best
You promised to save me
I never forget that

I live on
Waiting for that day
For you to rescue me
Taking me far away from this darkness.

You came, you did not break your promise
You knelt down and kiss my hand
Apologizing for making me suffer

Its been so long
I yearn for your gentle touch
Your lips
And your warmth

For now
That is all a dream
An illusion
To take me away

I will not stop
I will wait patiently
For that day to come
Where we'll be together again..


|| 3:32 AM

Sometimes, broken hearts are caused by unspoken words.

Ohh. Its currently six plus. I'm bored. Sigh. Family went to work.
Left me at home, blasting songs.
Alrights shall post bout today. First lesson was ART.
Was seriously CRazy.
Ms lai wanted us to draw Avatar. LMAO!
Then i was like real bored and clueless what to draw alright?!
Then started drawing dicks and measure. LMAO.
Akmal's dick, 6cm. HAHA!
Drew boobs too. Woooo. And then i started thinking. Avatar got boobs anot huh? LMAOS! really curious. >.<

And then was Music. Went for recess after that. Ate pizza.
When walking to the parade sq, Regina was like telling me " Mr hoe behind. Your hair. " And then i turned and pointed middle finger to that dog. hahah.
After recess was Eng. Malathi didn't teach. Asked us to do own revision. And then i started drawing stupid things on my drawing block. LMAOs. And then listening to songs, singing like nobody's business. HAHA.
After Eng, was MATH. Hate it. Just can't concentrate. mother fucker. sigh.

Science was the last two periods. Had been tying my hair like what e fuck. haha, Mr Teo said me pretty. HAHA :D Wooo! LMAOs.
And then walked down the hill with Mira & the rest. Wtf, walked halfway suddenly rained! Arghhh. Reached home, was all Drenched. -.-
Bathed and took a nap. now here blogging. ((:

Thats all for today. shall stop here. Goodbyes Earthlings!

P.s: Tired of trying, tired of crying. Yes i'm smiling, but inside of me were dying.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010 || 3:59 AM

HEY EARTHLINGS! Wowww, for the very first time, i'm feeling so damn mother fucking happy& HIGH :D Not that high, -.-" Please don't get it wrongly =p

Lets talk bout today, went to school as usual. Took bus with Samierah as usual.
When inside 176, she was like telling me all the things she talked to Harris the other day. And i listen. After listening, i've only got one word to give her. " Ohh, ? Then? "
((: Because, i've already LEARNT. You're not even Worth, for me to even care. Seriously, just yet another ex-boyfriend of mine only. For this past 1yr plus. I've been falling and falling. Because of you. I've been suffering so much about you.
I'm really, really, super, happy. ((: I shouldn't be the one suffering, shouldn't be the one waiting. Now, lemme tell you. Its me, who dumped you. NOT YOU. ((:
Woooohus. ((: Right now, just wanna go on with my life. Let me tell you. I'm gonna show you, without you, i can live even better(!) No guys are reliable. ((:
Womens should ourselves be independent. ((:

Yay, gonna go school tomorrow. Hope won't kena lectured by Ms rabbit alice. LMAOS. =X she always has comment(s) bout my hair-.-" Today didn't attend her class. HAHA. Ohh well. Feel like, going down right now and slack awhile :O shall text baby now. ((: Ask her if she wanna cme down :D
Alrights, will post maybe tml. ((: Goodbyes. !

P.s: I'm letting go. ((:

Sunday, May 2, 2010 || 9:30 PM

The moment you said Goodbye. I smiled and hid my sadness image, after you turned away, i burst into tears and my heart started to bleed.

|| 8:47 PM

Woww, currently 11.50am. Just finished bathing((;
Texting Kiong right now. Asking him to come out. ((;
Awww, so tired. But i'm ever more bored & tired if i keep staying at home-.-"
HAHA. Shall see where to go later, with him. ((:
Alrights. Will probably post later again(!)

P.s: You used to hold my hand. Telling me, how much you love me. Right now when you're Her's. Everything just seems like its gone forever. I just miss the past. Remembering the times when you used to whisper into my ear I love you.. I guess i can never have the chance to hear it from you ever again. Perhaps its fate, who had put us together & separate us. I'll treasure the memories of us.

|| 10:30 AM

Why am i always the one getting hurt?

Woww, currently 1.30am. Can't get to sleep. Things bothering me.
Sighh. Wanna take a deep breath. But just can't. The burden i'm carrying, Its just too heavy. Heyy. I'm tired. I wanna rest. I'm like in the hell. And you're like the Dark Father. Punishing me. Sighh. Can't you understand me better? I don't wanna all these to happen to me too. Perhaps, it just happened so sudden and that both of us just can't take the blow. Maybe i'm struggling. But i'll never fall.
You just wanted everything in your life to be perfect for you. & now that everyone's below you. you're controlling everything.. But you never know. How much it hurts for others. How it feels like. You never spared a thought for others. Sighh.

Well, i guess its enough. Am NOT gonna care so much right now. Gonna gain back the trust within my family and me. I'm tired. Losing friends are nothing. Because i'm already used to it. Everyone's leaving. I'm okay with it. But FAMILY. They play a very, very important role in my life. They are the only ones that i wont and can't lose. The only person i trust in my life would be my family.

I'm tired. Let's just let go. And we'll live our own lifes, alright?

You came, you did not break your promise. You knelt down, and kissed my hand. Apologising for making me suffer.

|| 3:12 AM