I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone
“ When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. ”
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
Friday, April 30, 2010 || 9:32 PM
Would anyone ever remember? At least, she has her friends&family. How bout me?
Uhhh-ohhh, i'm like damnn bored la can?Tsk.tsk.Tsk. Hmmmmmmm, actually going out with my bitchh, to gombak to see her battery de. But its like cos she just wanna go there see only then go back, then she has to go out with her mum.So i was like LMAO. might as well don't go.
Sighh, hmmm its like 5 plus now. And gotta go work soon. Sudden change de. Gerald, my dearest cousin joining too. haha, asked him to wear black. same same as me. But dont know he wearing anot o.o HAHA! Alrights. Shall see tonight got time to online a not then post bah. GOODBYES earthlings <3
P.s: Its never been right with me. And now you're trying desperately.
|| 7:00 PM
Baby baby baby, I hearts you.
|| 7:11 AM

Some overdue pictures.
|| 5:54 AM
Lesbians, they are humans too.
Ohhh well. I'm ohh-so down right now.
Shall talk less. Hmmm, went to school as usual for exam. Today was MT. Everything went simple-ly perfect. After school was with Saiful Ariffin all the while. Went to meet LZY awhile, and then he went off for the N level coursework. Took 176 with Saiful. Drop-ed at inter there and then MRT to woodlands. Went causeway & bought something. Shall not mention in here.
Went home after that. So damn tired. Kinda in a mood-less situation now.
Alrights, shall end here. Goodbye,
P.s: I'm watching you, falling day-by-day.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 || 6:13 AM
I failed to be your friend. I'm sorry. I just ain't perfect enough in your eyes.
Uhhhhh, i realised quite long didn't post,as was so really damn tired these few days. Right now forcing myself to just post. * laughs, *
Alrights. Shall say about yesterday. Awww, so lucky. Kena detention. LMAO.
Stayed back, for remedial and then went to serve detention for 1 hr. Then went off, took bus 67 alone to Lot one and then took train all the way to YCK to meet Him.
after meeting him, guess where did i go? LOL. Of cos is home sweet home la-.-
And then reach hme blah blah blah & fell asleep damnnn early. LMAO.
This morning when i woke up, realise my phone didn't charge. Quickly chiong to get my charger and charge for like 1 hr only-.- And then went to school.
Reached school,everything went suckish for me. -.- Sighh. After school was like carrying my BOOKS. Omgg, so random. Hardly see me with SOOOOO many books. Guess today was the first time i carried so many books with me-.- My shoulder's are ohh-so gonna break soon, LMAO.
Then after school was like going around with me books, asking ppl can pei me to stay back in school anot. No one wanna, so went Lot one with Margaret. Haha.
Then took mrt to Yew tee, to meet LZY. Ohh-my, was sweating like one dog can. -.- LOL ! Then when he came we were like going around Yew tee area and like keep asking each other where to go. * laughs * And then went to buy drinks at 7-Eleven. He treat me. Awww ((:
Went home after everything @ around 8, he sent me to the mrt station and he went home himself. Reached home bathed and eat and here now blogging :D
Today's really TIRING. And suckish. )): Not much mood. Hmmm , well hope tomorrow would be better(!)
Alrights shall not elaborate much. Goodbyes pretty boys & handsome girls (:
P.s : I'm glad to had met you in the first place. As you made me found myself back. Thanks. (:
Monday, April 26, 2010 || 5:39 AM

|| 5:05 AM
I love you,you love me,we're one big Cookie Monster family.With a great big spank on your ass from me to you,won' you say you're as high too? (LMAO)
Curently 8.10pm,and im tired T.T
This morning met Samierah at bus-stop.Burst out into tears and she lent me her shoulders,and she even wiped away my tears that flows down my cheek.aww so sweet.Then took bus,was like damn down can.Obviously uh-.-
Then took shuttle bus,tried to smile and hide my saddness.Then reached school,acting hyper as normal.Had lessons as per normal. During recess,suddenly crazy girl came over and bang my table=X (Rui Qin) hahah.Well,then had duty rooster and then was mother tongue.Quite fun,sat at the back row and was like slacking while the rest stress-ing bout how to write the compo LOL.Cause i've done long ago before they did it * tongue out * Teeehees.
Then was Science.Was like playing with my Elmo&Cookie monster.And then Mr Teo asked me.Well,he is funny&cute teacher.hahaha.
Then went to the hall for VE lesson.Then had performances,blah blah and went down to the office,saw Mel.Telling me she wanna find VP.Because of sec threes and her problems.Then awhile later she said she can settle herself,and then i went home alone la.Cause skipped swimming lesson.Reached home,bathe and cooked maggie mee.Suddenly when surfing net,Mira called and cried,telling me she wanna meet me.The first thing i did was put on any clothes sia.LOL.Then cabbed down to one head.
After everything,went home and then here blogging.*laughs* (:
I'm so tired,but gonna force myself to study alreadyyyyy.
Am gonna upload the pics i took with my bitch last night when slacking with her.The craziness~ haha. :D
P.s: Giving us the last chance.I love you.
|| 5:01 AM
OMGG. nice right?alrights,don have to say.haha:D
Sunday, April 25, 2010 || 4:16 AM
Lets get freaky now , lets get fucking freaky now .
Ohhh , its currently 7.20p.m ((: Watching Star Awards & at the same time , BLOGGING :D ( obvious , haha ! )
Well . Went to meet Jodie just now . For studying ((:
went quite a number of places , to kill time ((:
Meet her at Gombak mrt station . Waited for her like effin long la , can ?!
OMGG. She's soooo late ! >=[ Haha .. All the ppl staring at me like what the fuck sia OMGG. Lmaos , these few days ppl keep staring at me like one kind .
Ohh well , don't care . HAHA . Perhaps i wear too BLACK le =O muhhaahahha (!)
Can't blame , i'm craaazy over that colour !
After everything , we went back home . I reached home , bathed & everything . Then start to iron my uniform and wash clothes for family ((: Well i mean putting inside the washing machine , LOL ! =X just finished eating with family ((:
i'm staring at my drawing right now , OMGG. Cant stoppppp laughing man !
Shall post the pictures later on at the another post ((:
Alrights , shall not elaborate anymore . Am gonna watch Star Awards and perhaps gonna vomit . * laughhhs * Cause i ate too full =O
GOODBYE bitchy Boys and bastard Girls (!) :))
P.s : You're about to learn how to turn many of your dreams into reality . But . You must listen with an open heart and then be prepared to act . ((:
Saturday, April 24, 2010 || 7:25 AM
If only , i have the rights to turn time back . And i would like to take back my words and start over again with you .
Sighhhhh , whaaat-a-day (!) :(( Shaggg-ed to the core manzxszsxsxzzz (!)
Went to meet someone and blahh blah blah . After that went home awhile , changed & everything . Then went west mall to meet her and talked .
met her @ coffee bean and cried & tell her everything . I dont know why is my life turning upside downn . I never wanted this to happen to be . Seriously , all i wanted was a true friend to be there for me whenever i need someone .. But no one can ever give me what i want . I never had a friendship lasted more than 2 months after my pri school friends left me . Except for a few . Well .. Its okay bah .
After sitting at coffee bean , we head to mac for my breakfast , lunch , dinner . LOL . Neverrrrr eat the whole day . Cause i also forgot i got eat a not . Well well well , after eating , went popular to be good girls ((: WOWWWW . Bought art materials ( for the veryyy first time . ) After buying , went to take bus and decided to go Bukit Gombak :D the PASAR MALAM ! Nyahahahahs . Saw quite a lot of ppl there too ((:
Then one of them pulled my baggg sia LOL (!) Kor de friend .
Walk walk walk , saw A LOT of cuuuuuuute things ! :D ELMO & COOOKIE MONSTERRRR ^.^ Muhahahahahs . Then went to Prime walk walk after that .
Walk to the nearest coffee shop there , and Mierah dear bought Guava ((:
Ate a little , and then she sent me to the bus-stop . Took bus , say bye to her .
Then reached home , bathed and here now blogging ((:
Currently alone at home )): Sighhhhs ! Soooo bored .. Alrights , shall not elaborate any further . (!) GOodBYES PRETTY BOYs and HANDSOME girls ((:
P.s : I always wanted to just simply turn back the time , and take back my words that i've said to you in the past . I just feel like starting all over again . I can't take it anymore . But i know , right now we can just only be friends . And i dont mean anything to you anymore . What i can blame on is just that i didn't really treasure you in the past . I didn't give you enough love, enough care . And thats why you would feel so empty in our relationship . Well , i would still think back of our memories . Our happy moments .. With you holding my hands and telling me you love me , with you hugging me from the back at the carpark , and though you did not said anything . But i can just feel your heartbeat , and i feel so warm being cuddle-d by you .. Right now we're worse than a stranger . I just feel that there's a big ocean in between us . I know its hard for us to go back to start over , but i just really hope we could at least be FRIENDs .Thats all i'm asking for , not much .. Because i just am seriously missing you a lot a lot , missing your smile , missing your hug .. And missing you saying the word " i love you " to me .. Sighh . I still couldn't let you go , after so long of struggling ..
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 || 11:46 PM
When a person says Goodbye to you easily, it means he don't really care .
OMGG. What a tuuuut up day man -.- Haaaaaix , no mood no mood ..
Went to school today , suddenly mood went down during math lesson .
Cried , They asked me whats wrong i kept quiet . Went for science lesson , acting hyper & everything . Faking a smile , to let it LOOK alright .Jumped up and down end up spraining my ankle , WHAT THE FUCK . -.- Okayy , just laugh . I know its fucking dumb , hmmmm .
Walked down the hill with Irfan & Hong Yang . Saw Rezeki & Xiping smoking at the other side . Then took the same bus with them , while my friends crossed the overhead bridge LOL . So lonely , i pity myself man . Hmmm . Nevermind .
Took bus , went all the way back to bukit batok with my leg limping -.- Haixx haix haix . So sadddd . Well , reached home bathed and here blogging . Currently really exhausted & mood-less . Not meeting anyone today . Awww , so sad .
Well , will just stay at home enjoy the view of the four walls .
Don't know where my family gone , zzz . Used to it luh anyway .
Thats all i guess , GOODBYE .
P.s : You will never understand how it feels like to be in this state . Try being me and you will know . Don't even judge me , cos we're not that close afterall . So just shut the fuck up . Could you ? I'm not giving up my life for you . Without you , i'm still able to survive in this world . I've finally seen through who are you . Thanks for all the pretense , all the actings . I guess its just simply fated for us to end up like this . i don't wish to end it too , but you forced me into it .
|| 6:29 AM
At last , it had come to and endd ((:Currently 9.30pm , just woke up not long ago from my nap =XAlrights . Went to school as usual today . Was so damnn hyper & Emoat the same time ((: Enjoyed ICT lesson . Skipped npcc , as was having bad stomach cramps T.T Walked down the hill alone , saw Rezeki & his friends . They were like smoking la , haha . Hmmm . Took 176 back to batok . Then took 947 , back homee . ((: Reached home bathed and straight off to my bed . Wake up , bathed & ate . Now here blogging .. ((; Quarreled with two ppl today .Don't wish to mention who . Just tired to even say . Haixx .Gonna revise for my work soon , ((: Exams coming soon , on the way . ( laughs )GOODBYE pretty BOYS and HANDSOME girls ((:P.s : Finally , after so long . It had finally come to and end , and i'm putting a full stop in this ((: I'm really glad that we could just forget about the past and now we're starting overrr again (!) * Smile * I really treasure you , friend ((: All the promises , will NEVER be broken . ((:
Monday, April 19, 2010 || 5:19 AM
Maybe we're torn apart .
Had my 2.4 today . Untill now , my head still giddy T.T Having fever .
Plus my eyes grew something , freakin pain can ? haixxx .
Seriously no mood today . Using my fav black colour , to describe today's mood and day . Haixx . Feeling so down right nowwww .. Quarreled with friends , and family.
Almost slashed , but didn't . I'm so happy that i actually can control .
Well , hope tomorrow would be better (?) I'm really fucking sick right now ..
Nobody cares , haix . Well . Its alright .. shall eat panadol and sleep early tonight .. Hope will be fine tomorrow , so can attend school ((: Exams coming , me falling sick . Haixxx . Seriously shaggg (!) Got a feeling Samierah would not be attending school tomorrow -.- LOL ! Nevermind . Well , shall not think so much and talk so much ((: GOODBYES .
P.s : I'm tired of this , i'm backing out of this .. I'm just suffering so much . I've had enough . From this day on , we'll just be strangers and i meant it ..
Saturday, April 17, 2010 || 7:16 AM
Currently 10.17pm , just came back from outing with them not long ago ((:
Went to quite alot of places today . Superrrrrr tired , but effin fun :D
Am gonna go out tomorrow again , but to do my work with Jodie .
And maybe would be meeting Harris after that ((:
Gonna search things now ((:
GOODBYE pretty boys and handsome girls (!) :D
P.s: I just simply hate to say goodbye ..
Friday, April 16, 2010 || 8:33 PM
Feel so damn fucking hurt by you . You took away my heart .
Its currently 11.40a.m. , and i'm blogging . Just woke up not long ago ((:
Going out , with Them laterr . ( my girlfies ! ) Lovesss . ^.^
This morning when the moment i wake up , first thing my mother asked me when she saw me was " Where you going again later ? " LOL . She know me so well urhh >.< style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Have to go and prepare very soon ((: Can't be late , if not mira would KILL me =/
Haah , shall post tonight when i'm back if i have the time ((:
Goodbye , pretty boys and handsome girls !
P.s : You left me like how he did to me too . You said you won't be like him . You said you understand me , you said you'll be holding on for me .. You said you wouldn't leave .. But everyday , i have people leaving me in my life . I've had enough seriously .. Now do you finally know whats the reason for me , that i don't really know how to treasure friends ? Because this is what i get everytime . Well , just go on with your life without me . If you think its the best . Its up to you to think what kind of friend am i . Perhaps i'm still not enough for you . I'm not a good friend , not at all . Then i'm okay with it . Cause you don't really understand it . Hope that you'll be happy with the other people entering into your life ..
Goodbye .
|| 7:40 AM
The Reason why i hasn't give up after so long , was you ..
Currently 10.41p.m , just came back home not long ago from meeting Harris .
I'm soooooooooo hungry . LOL , but had been eating energy bars these few dayys .. So tired of eating, everytime have to think what to eat . LOL , so decided to just anyhow eat . Hmmm .. Well . Enough bout it . These few days seriously MOOD-LESS .
Didn't go for speech day today ,,, as waaaas FREAKINNN .. Pissed of with some people .. Nevermindds . Hmmm .. Almost got a NICE hairrrrcut today . -.-
Luckily with my stories , Mr hoe and Mdm bariyah gave me chance LOL . Got caught like don't know how many times .. So tired , HAHA . So from now on i'll become a good girl . Well , all the while i am ((:
Went back home alone today , as they went lot one to buy things . Things are changing , people are changing too . It kinda hurts , as they wouldn't understand how you feels . Its okay as i'm used to it . As long as i have my family with me <3
I trust nobody , but my family . ((:
Well , i guess thats all for today . Goodbyes pretty boys and handsome girls ((:
P.s : I may not understand you , but have you ever gave me the chance to even understand you ?
Thursday, April 15, 2010 || 12:24 AM
I'm so tired of friendship .
Currently 3.26pm . just reached home not long ago . Seriously no mood so will give it a short one today .
Went to school as usual , just that today had a spot check on hair . Nobody dares to let go of the fringe , anyway . Whole day pin-ed up e hair , untill after school . Was so damnnnnnn fuckinn luckyy to get caught by the BARIYAH . That bitch , got called to detention room . Selena got caught too . Was so unlucky la . Haix . She shouted at me and selena . Then blah blah blah , walked out the dm room and met samira at e front gate . Was freakinn moody by then . But tried to smile , though . Then took bus with them . Reached home , bathed and here blogging . No appetite , no mood to even eat ..
I guess thats all for today . Shall blog some other dayy or whenever i'm free .
Goodbye .
You made me cry for you , even sacrificing everything and giving up single thing in my life just for you .. And now that you're gone , what can i do ? I've lost everything . I'm just so hurt by you . If i don't mean anything in your heart , then why did you made me fall for you in the first place ? You make me feel that life is meaningless . Thanks . I've finally seen through you . You're the same , just like them .. Living me , betraying me . You took away everything from me . Its the end . Lets end it here , from now on you'll live your own life and i'll live mine .
Goodbye .
Bitchyy Sex Monsterr
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 || 8:00 AM

Currently 11.03pm (:
Night blogging :D Hmmmm .. Today , third day of my menstruation .
Its getting better LOL . :D and lesser ^.^ Sooooooooo happy can ?!
Went to school , and skipped NPCC . As was having bad stomach cramps .
Saiful walked down e hill with me . Awwwww , sucha nice friend of mine (((:
He accompany to wait for e bus for awhile , and then he slowly cross e bridge to get his bus back home . Was so freakinn HOTTTT can ?! ): Everyday after school confirm perspire like one dog one -.- LOL .
Reached batok , took bus back home .. Was so tired that i almost fell asleep in e bus LOL ! =p hmmm , reached home , kevin invited me with a word " You deaf ah ? " Cos was listening to my Ipod so loudly HAHA .. Then bathed and everything .
Lay on bed , and fell asleep very fast :D
Woke up , went to meet Jodie and her boyfriend :] took 945 and we went mac , slack and ate . Walked to 366 and memories came back . Took some pics and off we go ! Reached home bathed again and used comp while eating my gummy candies ^.^ Heehe .. Was chatting with Harris (: So sweet of him >.< cute ="p" style="color: rgb(51, 0, 51);">Currently 11.13pm , wanna go to sleep alreadyy ayye .
Goodnights pretty boys and handsome girls (((((:
Will probably be posting tomorrow .
Do you remember , all of the times we had . Lets bring it back baby . I miss the times spending together , with you holding my hand and telling me you love me . I miss it , seriously . (((((:
Misses him ~
Monday, April 12, 2010 || 4:26 AM
Currently 7.28p.m. and its getting dark . But i just woke up anyway . * laughs *
Okayy , start from the topp . Urhh .. Having menstruation today . One word , SIAN .
Early in the morning taking bus , was fuckin afraid it will leak LOL ! then even when walking also keep looking at the back of my skirt >.< I don know who's fuckin idea was it to make chestnut drive uni and skirt Light blue ! =X
Nevermindd , hmmm .. After school went back home .
a very good and nicee classmate of mine , (: Rong hui ! :D Awww , he's so sweet .
He see i alone then he purposely accompany me to walk down e hill :D
the weather was freakinn HOTT can !? ): I'm getting darkerrrrr ..
But well , :D its e same cos i'm in npcc too =O ^.^
hmmmm .. Then took 176 all e way back to batok interr .
Chiong-ed to watsons to buy kotex and pantyliners . also bought myself a new eyeliner (: mine finish alreadyy eh . :D then went to harvery norman to buy myself a protector for my IPOD nano (:
After everything , went back to the bus stop and took 947 . While at there , saw Xiping :D he was going back to hostel . Then he accompany me to wait for e bus .
Went back home blah blah blah and now here blogging ayyes (:
Wanna end of with saying this :
Things may be changing , but i just wanna you to know . That perhaps the things around me is changing , but my heart towards you , will never change . I once promised you , and i'll hold on to it . I still care for you . I do , just that you don't know . If i can ever turn back the time , i hope everything's not too late . And i would like you to know that ILOVEYOU ...
Someday , somehow , somewhere .
Gonna fuck her like a bitchh . Cos she's HOTT
Sunday, April 11, 2010 || 2:45 AM

HEYYLOH , pretty BOYS and handsome GIRLS (!)
OMGG. Its been effin longgg since i last post on my blog ! Sorry ayye .
My internet went wrong .. Teehees , now that i've got new internet .
Guess its the time again .. TO BLOGGG , :D
FIrstlyy , i got kicked into my neww school .. Chestnut Drive Secondary ~
OMGG. Can't imagine , i got sucha friendlyy look . That when first day of school , all the people were like staring at me as if i am their hundred years lost-mother -_-
What e fuck ? Haha .. But well , frankly speaking , that school's still okay luh .
Just that people keep spreading things , and blahh blah .. The rest still okay lorh .
CAN BE IMPROVED :D teehees ^.^
Made girlfriends there too
my closed one : My sweet sweet Mira Samira . :D
She's 15 , stayed back twice during P2 . From malay school (:
Always in school , if you can't find her , means she'll definitely be with me .
If you can't find me , then look out for her . Cause we're always TOGETHER :D
Sometimes when she's absent or what , then i'll absent myself too :D
There are still a lot more , but not really that close :]
So .. Yeah , thats all i guess . Will update now and then everyday :D